web dev notes

Posts for tag angularjs

One source of truth to run them all

April 06, 202013:10

This is an example of how different components implemented with different frontend frameworks or libraries can share the same Redux store. Different frameworks and libraries in same project The idea of the project is to implement the same component, a simple counter with two buttons, one to increase the value and other to decrease it. I decided to go with Webpack to build and bundle everything. Webpack has a large set of plugins and my thought was that there should be a loader in case I need it to load and build the resources. (I was right as I could check it)

Build and publish a Ionic App – Live update of Firebase backend with AngularJS

August 18, 201714:28

We wanted to create a kind of live update of the Firebase backend while the users were using the app avoiding to put Save button actions in order to save. The idea is to keep the backend updated while the user is creating or updating any element, these are ToDo items and category elements, in our application. So we needed to implement a system with the help of the library Angularfire and the $watch AngularJs function to make it happen.

Build and publish a Ionic App – Cordova plugins

August 11, 201718:49

Ionic provide you a framework to quickly implement with your web development skills a nice native application. Although, not everything is provided in the framework and if you want to get native features working with your application you will need to add some Cordova plugins to your project.

Free practical courses to learn about modern web development

August 04, 201718:35

Four FREE practical courses about modern web development that will put you on the track of the web modern development. AngularJS, Progressive Web Applications (a.k.a. PWA), Javascript with ES6 new features, Firebase and React.js. All of these cover from basic to advanced aspects of the web development, but necessary if you want to be on top.

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