web dev notes

Posts for tag css

Theming your stylesheets with css variables

November 13, 201812:50

What are CSS variables? The CSS variables are more accurately known as CSS custom properties. You can define a value under a variable key and use it along your stylesheets wherever is in its scope. They can be very useful to avoid CSS repetition, with a better performance in run time for things like theme switching and very useful for extending or ‘polyfilling’ future CSS features.

Free practical courses to learn about modern web development

August 04, 201718:35

Four FREE practical courses about modern web development that will put you on the track of the web modern development. AngularJS, Progressive Web Applications (a.k.a. PWA), Javascript with ES6 new features, Firebase and React.js. All of these cover from basic to advanced aspects of the web development, but necessary if you want to be on top.

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