web dev notes

Posts for tag react

One source of truth to run them all

April 06, 202013:10

This is an example of how different components implemented with different frontend frameworks or libraries can share the same Redux store. Different frameworks and libraries in same project The idea of the project is to implement the same component, a simple counter with two buttons, one to increase the value and other to decrease it. I decided to go with Webpack to build and bundle everything. Webpack has a large set of plugins and my thought was that there should be a loader in case I need it to load and build the resources. (I was right as I could check it)

Running Node and React tests in the same project

July 24, 201912:50

What is Jest? Jest is a testing framework to run Javascript unit tests focused on the simplicity. It can work with Babel, Typescript and a wide set of frameworks like Angular, Vue, React as well as Node.js code.

React quick overview and nested components

March 13, 201801:52

What is React? React (sometimes called also ReactJs) is a library to create reusable components and build with that your web applications. Its development was leaded by Facebook development teams. Nowadays is pretty widely used around the world and there is a high demand of professionals with knowdledge and experience with the technology.

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